Enigma Digital


Free SSL for all hosting clients

Posted by Maeve, 3 Nov, 2016 | No Comments »

I’m pleased to announce that we are now offering free SSL certificates to all our hosting clients. If your website is hosted with Enigma, SSL has been enabled, and your website is now accessible over https://.  WordPress sites require a little extra attention to show the green https:// lock so although SSL is enabled already, we will be going through all sites over the next few months to update internal filepaths,  set the htaccess redirects and update wp-config as required.

Why do we need SSL suddenly?

Actually it’s not been particularly sudden. For some years now there has been a move towards a more secure web led by the lords of the cloud like Google. You may have heard of Let’s Encrypt? What prompted us to take the plunge was this post on Google’s Chromium Blog in September. It announces that as of January 2017 websites that collect passwords or credit card details over a non-secure SSL connection will be marked with a ‘non secure’ indicator. Here’s a picture below:

Image courtesy Google

Google adds:

Eventually, we plan to label all HTTP pages as non-secure, and change the HTTP security indicator to the red triangle that we use for broken HTTPS.


In the interest of a more secure web we at Enigma feel this is a positive move. We have made use of cPanel’s AutoSSL to issue free domain validated SSL certificates for all the WordPress sites hosted with us. If your website is hosted with Enigma you do not need to do anything. We have already installed the SSL certificates to all websites, and will be making the rest of the adjustments required manually over the next few months.

A few notes:

  • WordPress sites are effected by this due to the fact that they include administrative login (your WordPress dashboard).
  • Free domain validated SSL certificates offer a lower level of protection than premium SSL certificates that are validated by a signing authority. If your site runs eCommerce and collects credit card details we would still recommend using a premium (paid) SSL certificate.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Maeve is an experienced UI designer and front end developer. Aside from designing websites, Maeve develops plugins, speaks at WordPress events, and co-organizes the Perth WordPress Meetup group. She’s also an intrepid rock climber and demon trumpet player!

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